New Cad-Test New

CAD-TEST was developed to meet the needs of the Test Engineer who's requirements are those of program and fixture information only. It is an inexpensive solution for the creation of the Automatic Program Generator (APG) Input File and Drill File. Its data is arranged in a layered data base to make editing and inputting of missing information simple.

Cad-Test Picture


Low Cost
User Configurable CAD Readers
Layered PCB Data Base
Simple Editing of PCB Data Base
Output to Many Current Testers APG's
Automatic/Manual Nail Locator

Now, there is no need to purchase another CAD reader every time you get a new customer. Our Input Reader is user configurable. It has been designed to input almost any file that is delineated in an orderly fashion or has items to key on. Add data from multiple files to fill the data base. A new reader can be set up for any new file in minutes. You just define what information you have and where it is to be found. This can be as simple as high lighting the data in the first line of your file. Then the reader is saved for the next time you receive a Parts file from John at MicroMacro.

The information is kept to a minimum for simplicity sake. The data base is organized into pages in order to keep associated data in perspective and ease the editing process. Manual entry is minimized by the ability to read multiple files into the data base. Also, manual entry is simplified via the sorting and mass entry features. The data base is Microsoft Access compatible for even more flexibility.

CAD-TEST will create the APG Input File for most of the common testers in use today and in the future. All APG and Drill file information is available for most testers on the market today. The Automatic/Manual fixture nail locator will select the best location for the test probe, it will display a pin map for manual pressure loading analysis and create the Fixture Drill File.

Check out the files section for available downloads.
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